Unit 5 – The eTwinning social network
Final activity
After all the information given and the feedback got from some colleagues, I’ll try to describe the final activity project plan. For unit 5 task I will use Unit 3 and Unit 4 task, «Gamiflipped Classroom» project.
To not repeat too many things, it is necessary to read the units 3 and 4 below on this page.
Pedagogical innovation
The use of ICTs in the classroom, introducing new pedagogies such as gamification and flipped classroom. The task duration will be one month. In this case, one subject will be worked per week and the last week will be videoconference to explain the subjects to the students of other countries.
Curricular integration
To integrate new pedagogies within the classroom, we use the common subjects that are taught within the curriculum of each collaborating country.
- Age: Students between 10 and 12 years will participate. Three or four students, and five groups of students for each country.
- Areas/Materias: It can be applied to any curriculum subject. For example, maths, music, and history can be our subjects.
- Language: English.
On the one hand, we will use flipped classroom with the aim of students learn to complete the topics explained in class by the teacher.
On the other hand, to review all the topics we would use gamification, so we could make ask and answer games for consolidating these topics explained in class. For example, gamification would be used at the end of the class for reviewing topics.
Another aim is to motivate students with games, using a classification of each group, and at the end of the course the three best groups will be awared.
Communication and information exchange. Collaboration among schools
For the communication and the exchange of information we will use TwinSpace, complemented with other programs like Twitter and Facebook groups, Skype, Dropbox, Google Docs, etc.
The results we expect are as follows:
- Students will be initiated for acquiring knowledge for themselves.
- Students motivation improvement.
Final products
- Questions prepared by the students for the game.
- A game of questions and answers that will serve to assess students.
- Presentations in power point of the topics prepared by the students.
Unit 4 – Collaboration in eTwinning
Cooperative e-activities in a project
In this task we will continue with the unit 3 draft, and we will make this task collaborative between different countries. That is why we propose a collaboration between three countries, for example. Thus we will have three contries test, with the aim of adding more countries to the cooperative project.
As we pointed out in the Unit 3 task, the «Gamiflipped classroom» project combines gamification and flipped classroom. To make it collaborative, each of the participating countries will prepare one of the topics (for example math, history and music) separately.
It will be tried that the subjects are common to the curriculums of each one of the collaborating countries. For this reason, it will be necessary to have previous meetings of teachers to address these issues and set the objectives that are wanted. To encourage the use of ICT, meetings can be held through videoconference.
The topics prepared by each school will be explained using videoconference to the rest of the collaborators. Afterwards, groups of students will be responsible for completing each topic, and presenting each work to the rest of the classmates.
Once the topics have been explained and the work completed, the students will use the Kahoot! to make a ask and answers game. In this way, the students can review the contents of each of the topics explained and worked in class.
After completing this task, there will be another teachers’ meeting to study the results obtained and see how this task could be improved. The task duration will be one month.
Unit 3 – Project design
Draft a collaborative project
Project description
- Name: Gamiflipped classroom.
- Abstract: In Gamiflipped classroom project we would combine gamification and flipped classroom. The teacher would explain the topics. The topics will be distributed by groups of 2 or 3 students, and the studends would prepare these topics in depth completing them with more information. To do a topics review, we would use gamification, also trying to motivate students with games and classifications.
- Goals: On the one hand, we will use flipped classroom with the aim of students learn to complete the topics explained in class by the teacher. On the other hand, to review all the topics we would use gamification, so we could make ask and answer games for consolidating these topics explained in class. For example, gamification would be used at the end of the class for reviewing topics. Another aim is to motivate students with games, using a classification of each group, and at the end of the course the three best groups will be awared.
- Expected results: Students will be initiated in teamwork. Students will be initiated for acquiring knowledge for themselves. Students motivation improvement.
More information
- Age: Students between 10 and 12 years will participate.
- Areas/Materias: It can be applied to any curriculum subject.
- Languages: English.
Unit 2 – Innovation in the classroom
After reading all post and contributions of my colleagues, I can only say that we have a large community of teachers who want to teach and keep learning. All the tools added to eTwinning en abierto to introduce ICT in the classroom are very interesting. Thank you all for your work!. #twinmooc
My contribution for eTwinning en abierto: Kahoot!
Kahoot! is a free game-based learning platform that makes it fun to learn – any subject, in any language, on any device, for all ages!. (https://getkahoot.com/)
Analising my teaching (link). #twinmooc
I would like to introduce ICT technologies in the classroom.
In this way, students will be able to learn about new technologies in the classroom, and thus students will have less work to use in the future.
The use of smart devices is becoming more widespread, and in the classroom these devices could be used to teach the different subjects of the curriculum to the students.
I think that using new technologies in the classroom can make classes more entertaining and less boring for students.
Unit 1 – Open eTwinning (2nd edition)
eTwinning in 140 characters
For me #eTwinning is a place to learn new teaching methods for the classroom, share experiences, and to know new ICTs for teaching #twinmooc
Introducing myself
Wellcome to my Open eTwinning portfolio. I’m Jose Ivan and I hope learn all about eTwinning. I’m PhD in Advanced Computer Technologies in 2016 from the University of Castilla-la Mancha (Spain). #twinmooc
- My pesentation (I’m using PowToon tool).
- More information about me (In Spanish, but you can translate it).